Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coupon Class or Coupon Party?

So I've been contemplating for some time about having a Coupon Class.  I have tried finding places to hold it and I can't seem to buckle one down. So, I've decided to start with hosting "Coupon Parties".  These would involve me coming to your house, or whoever is hosting the party's house.  This would be run at everyone's convenience.  So, whenever fits into your schedule! You just tell me a date and a time and we can set something up.  I think this would work a lot better for everyone because it involves a lot more one on one time. I can actually sit with people and explain everything to them.


 Well, the host of the party does not pay anything. :)

The party must consist of at least 6 other people (not including the host).
If you cannot find 6 people, I will do it for 4. But I do prefer at least 6.
The cost is $15 per person (again, not including the host).
If you have 10 or more people, the cost is only $12.

If you would like to set something up just let me know! You can email me at, or you can leave a comment here, or on my facebook page: Coupon Chick

1 comment:

  1. Okay, am I the only one that is missing your posts? you were doing a good thing.
